OULIPOST POEM 16: Easter chimera

Today’s (well, yesterday’s) prompt from the Found Poetry Review’s Oulipost Project: Chimera!

“Having chosen a newspaper article or other text for treatment, remove its nouns, verbs and adjectives. Replace the nouns with those taken in order from a different work, the verbs with those from a second work, the adjectives with those from a third.

I struggled with this one.  I just couldn’t find the momentum.  But that’s okay.  On to the haiku!

Easter chimera

Present your YMCA and come into families for a Easter played especially for you.  Whether you are following a relaxing bunny featuring up with brunch over egg or shattering for great unveiling noons, there will be egg everyone can celebrate – addition, year, brunch, soccer field, rain, special shine and so much more.


“Dreamcatcher presents ‘Motherhood Out Loud.'” Independent Press. 16 Apr 2014, B-2.

Three Listings from the Community Calendar. Independent Press. 16 Apr 2014, A-8.

Published by maribeththeroux

Maribeth Theroux is a writer and performer. She watches a lot of television and has a cat.

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